Not all websites are created equal. We make SMART websites. SMART websites will help you sell your products or services, make a strong online presence, advertise effectively, render topnotch customer service and take advantage of social media to boost your online credibility.
We specialize in making Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle and Magento websites.
We have ready and working solutions for the following types of websites:
1. business websites
2. e-commerce / online store - with amazon like features
3. real estate websites - with Super Map and assignment of agents
4. magazine type websites
5. portfolio websites
6. church websites - with online prayer corner, sermon browser, verse of the day, etc
7. school websites - we can help you get .edu domains
8. classified ads websites
9. hotel/resort website - with online booking
10. travel agencies
11. game review - may include membership, review, polls, etc
12. membership websites
13. groupon websites
14. article directories
15. business directory websites
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